Skye Daru


My story


It began in North Aurora…

In a small cornfield suburban town far outside of Chicago was a girl with a loud belting voice and one too many interests. She was certain that anything was possible, especially with a little grit and naive confidence.

I did it all. Maybe a little too much looking back. You’re looking at the winner of the local Spelling Bee & Speech Competition—two time champ if I may. The (historically inaccurate) Asian Cinderella lead in the school musical. The marching band drummer who had to run awkwardly across the football field during half time because she was also on the dance team. The teacher’s pet who strived to earn the “Most Likely to Succeed” award at the end of the year. Spoiler alert: she did.


But music was my ultimate forte…

Out of the entire laundry list of hobbies, for me, music was the one thing that consumed all of my heartstrings. A day did not pass by where I wasn’t sitting at the piano working on new chord progressions or picking up a new song by ear.

2013 was my year. I found myself sitting in a conference room across from a music producer and artist manger. The years following consisted of releasing an EP at age 13, working in LA with other recording artists, performing around the Midwest, and discovering a love for songwriting. Three years later, I would find myself stepping foot at the Clive Davis Institute of Recorded Music at New York University.


In parallel, the world of fashion was also pulling me…

I began working professionally as a model the same year I started pursuing music. The girl on the left, believe it or not, is only 13 years old. She was bright-eyed about the world. But she had absolutely no sense of high fashion or what it meant to be represented by an agency.

But if there is one thing for certain, it’s that the experiences I’ve had through this pursuit from such a young age have helped shape my identity, mold my perspective on both failure & success, tune into the most truest version of myself.

And when you work in an industry like entertainment or fashion, it is easy to lose sight of yourself when everyone is telling you who you should be.


Fast forward to 2016-2020…

In these four years, I learned this: Change your mind. Over & over again. Try new things. Stay curious. At 18 years old, you are “supposed” to know what you want in life. What you want to study for the next four years. What type of career you want after college. Where you want to live after high school. The list is endless.

And perhaps, for a moment, I did think that I knew what I wanted. But I later on realized this emerging adult period is exactly the time you should be spending trying to figure it all out.

I entered New York University as a Recorded Music major in 2016. In 2020, I left with a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science on a Pre-Medical Track. I started songwriting for me. I delivered a TEDx talk. I traveled abroad to Europe & Asia. I became a part-time coding teacher. I started a podcast with my college roommate.

So yeah. I did a lot of changing my mind and path in those years. But nothing has ever served my life more.



My Life Now!

I am currently living in Chicago with my amazing partner in crime Vincenzo. I have a 3yr old chocolate lab pup named Koa who loves swimming & hugs, hates walks, and whose only motivation in life is food.